The Creative Collective

The Creative Collective

A fun, active group to show your work is The Creative Collective. Here you can show your art. Worldwide. Not only in the Netherlands, but everywhere where Facebook can be viewed. You can publish in different languages: Dutch, German and English. Basically it is an online gallery. International. And free. That’s the beauty of the internet. Read on, and join us. Then you can show your work, because you want to show your art and join it with other people. Don’t keep it for yourself.  We artists need public.
Marc Schoenmakers is the founder, and the took immediate action. The first exhibition now is offered. I quote:

Het Creatief CollectiefIn the months of June, July and August 2016 we may exhibit as members of The Creative Collective with a group exhibition at Oertijdmuseum Green Gate at Boxtel (Noord Brabant) The Netherlands. In this museum, the dinosaurs are the main item, so the number of visitors in the summer months up to well over 5000 visitors per month.
Each participant may participate with only one work. We get two long walls at our disposal, 5 easels of the museum (field easels) and two large studio easels by myself. We have a whole series of closed cabinets available for pictures and sculptures. The is place for no less than 100 statues, sculptures and jewelry with a maximum size of 30 x 30 x 30 cm. There is room for a total of 25 paintings of 80 x 80 cm. on the walls and room for about 5 pieces on self brought easels. In total, therefore, we can put 100 pictures or sculptures and 30 paintings up to 80 x 80 cm.
Participation is free and the museum does not require a percentage of the sale. Each participant will also receive two free tickets to the museum for a later visit with a partner to see the exhibition.
The museum is open Tuesday / Sunday, leaving us only Monday to organize. On Monday, June 6th from 14:00 to 17:00 we are welcome to organize everything neatly, and at 17.00 h. two people from local media will take pictures of our exhibition and interview some of us.
Restrictions: Since this museum attracts many families with young children, we want to exhibit no eroticism and violence. Furthermore, everyone is free in terms of subject matter. Everyone exhibits there at your own risk. The museum and I as an organizer are not liable for any damage to workpieces.
Customers interested must contact the artist themselves. Down in the lobby we have a large table available for flyers and business cards which can be put in boxes, trays etc., to avoid a mess on the table. As organizer I make, on my own charges, a flyer to promote our Facebook group in general.

Het Creatief Collectief Het Creatief Collectief Het Creatief Collectief

In the pictures you see the reception hall, catering space with an available wall and two in the big hall where we can put a total of 12 easels. There is, as you can see on one of the pictures a huge garden around Oertijdmuseum Green Gate and a real Dinobos. In the garden we also may exhibit with statues or sculptures.

Anyone who wants to can leave a comment below, and officially register via email: In this email you may print your name, type of work and other relevant state data as any to bring your own easel.

Marc Schoenmakers is the founder and manager of The Creative Collective. And I’d give him the space here for his call.
Welcome to the Creative Collective! The Facebook group for artists and creative people who are busy with: painting, drawing, modeling clay, sculpture, artistic photography, jewelry making and gold smiths.
What can you do on The Creative Collective?
1. Show what you can as an amateur or a professional artist.
2. Galleries and artists can announce Their expositions.
3. Ask questions about materials and techniques.
4. Workshops and the like.
5. Advertise the gallery That You represented.
6. Show your sketches and the way you work.
7. You can sell your artwork.
8. Place a link to your own Facebook page or your website.
9. Give eachother compliments or well-founded criticism.
10. Enjoy the wonderful work of our group members.
All Items That Are related to art are welcome. You can write in the Dutch, Englisch or German language. Items in all other languages will be removed.



Mythologie is vaak de bron van inspiratie. Ik probeer het goddelijke en het menselijke te verenigen in mijn schilderijen. Paarden en andere dieren, maar ook groente en fruit vindt u terug in mijn schilderijen. Portretten maak ik in opdracht. Regelmatig neem ik deel aan exposities nationaal en internationaal en heb vele prijzen gewonnen. Mijn werk is gepubliceerd in diverse uitgaven en aangekocht in binnen- en buitenland.

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