Panta Rhei

It is all about cycles, streaming, Panta Rhei, as the Greeks say.

Our holidays are over and we are in the beginning of a new year. A new cycle of one year. And yet it brings me back to the Mythology.
All creation stories begin with chaos from which our world is created. All stories also point again into chaos (ragnarok, final judgment, etc.) in which our world again decays.
While reading, I come against beautiful quotes, such as:
“Myth is the manifestation of the facts of the spirit in the fiction of the matter” (Maya Deren)
“All the moons, all year, every day, the winds will reach their completion and disappear …” (Chilam Balam, the sacred book of the Mayas)
We are now back at a turbulent time in which many clashes between cultures. With all its consequences. Population movements, refugees, clashes and wars. That too is of all times. I was born after the 2nd World War and until now I am allowed to live in peace. I had never thought that this could well change. Not realistic, of course, if you look at history. Yet I still have the hope that my life may proceed peacefully. I wish EVERYONE peace. But apparently it is not as simple as that. Interests which are not always evident to the ordinary citizen can change our lives radically. Politics, religion, manipulation and power are also a way of thinking and ruling of all times and also includes hidden agendas. The victor is the one who writes the history. The vanquished must resign himself to his fate until the circle is closed again and a new, uncertain issues arise again.
Still, I wish you and me a happy and prosperous 2016.

Mythology collage

Een collage van verscheidene goden en teksten.

Salamander724, the copyright holder of this work, releases this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide.


Panta rhei (Greek: πάντα ῥεῖ) is a well-known statement that reflects a thought of the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. It means everything flows and everything is in motion.
This refers to the thought of Heraclitus that everything in this world is always changing, “You can not step twice into the same river, because it is always fresh water which flows to meet you.”
The ruling would not come from Heraclitus himself, but from Plato. In its unilateral interpretation of the Heraclitean philosophy he posited that everything in the physical world is subject to such a change, she alone is completely without structure and therefore can not be known (in contrast to the form of Plato). This interpretation is probably inspired by one of the so-called “river fragments.”
Among others Plato (“Nothing ever is, but everything is”), Ovid (“Omnia mutantur, nil interit” – “everything changes, nothing perishes”) and Aristotle (“Nothing is steadfast.”) Were inspired by this idea .
(source Wikipedia, Dutch language)



Mythologie is vaak de bron van inspiratie. Ik probeer het goddelijke en het menselijke te verenigen in mijn schilderijen. Paarden en andere dieren, maar ook groente en fruit vindt u terug in mijn schilderijen. Portretten maak ik in opdracht. Regelmatig neem ik deel aan exposities nationaal en internationaal en heb vele prijzen gewonnen. Mijn werk is gepubliceerd in diverse uitgaven en aangekocht in binnen- en buitenland.

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