Newsletter 14, July 2015


 In this Dutch newsletter I inform the reader about: the successful exhibition in ‘s Hertogenbosch my new internet website Amsterdam’s Museumplein is once again being transformed into an open-air museum for this fourth edition of Art Square Amsterdam, on from 24 to 30 July 2015. The event features work by…

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National Muiseum, open in 2015 ?


    Wiebje and Miesje Mouse, painted by Rineke de Jong In the first place, the collection of quality and quantity should have a rating value. The aim is to bring together a collection starting from a minimum of 300 exhibitors. These will be exhibited to the public in mid-2015. The…

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Move my website from subdomain to domain


 As the proud creator of a WordPress website on a subdomain, I wanted to replace the old site by the new one and had to move my website from subdomain to domain. I had my doubts whether I would succeed. Hence I first, I was adviced to make a redirect.…

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Meet Vincent van Gogh and 50 living Dutch Masters in a Temporary Museum


 at5-6dagen Art Square Amsterdam, Museumplein, 24 – 30 July, 10 – 19 h.

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