Making a pair of special earrings

Making a pair of earrings with oil paint on a wooden panel with a diameter of 3 cm.

I start with the panel to provide a number of layers with black paint.

oorbel 1After drying, the 1st image is created in oil. I use oil paint of , in my opinion the best oil artists’ paint there is.

oorbel2Once this is dry, set the next oil layer.

oorbel 3Thereafter, the next one.

oorbel3aWhen everything is to my liking, I apply the smallest details like whiskers and I apply some color to the eyes.

Now there is a varnish layer on on the frontside, the backside is signed and then the plugs are made. Now they are ready to go to the person who commisioned them.

earrings cats

earrings cats

Do you also want something like this? Please contact me. I will be pleased to discuss the details with you.

For more miniatures and “must haves” have a look at Must Haves.

kat-mischa2-rondkat-mischa1-rond Special and exclusive earrings



Mythologie is vaak de bron van inspiratie. Ik probeer het goddelijke en het menselijke te verenigen in mijn schilderijen. Paarden en andere dieren, maar ook groente en fruit vindt u terug in mijn schilderijen. Portretten maak ik in opdracht. Regelmatig neem ik deel aan exposities nationaal en internationaal en heb vele prijzen gewonnen. Mijn werk is gepubliceerd in diverse uitgaven en aangekocht in binnen- en buitenland.


  1. Hi Annemarie, thanks a lot!

  2. Thank you AM, that is just my intention. Enjoy it for the whole year 2016. Love, Rineke

  3. Thank you AM, that was just my intention. Enjoy it for a whole year !

  4. I love the new calendar for 2016.
    It’s going to be a very special Christmas present.
    Thank you.



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