Subscribe at my Blog and win!

Subscribe at my Blog and win a work of art!

blog en win

pendent 3 mm with necklace

Blog and win a work of art! The draw will take place on December 1, 2016. The winner will be published on my blog and receives the miniature pendant by mail. Picking up your price by appointment, is also possible.

It’s time for the year-end newsletter. My newsletters did not appear for a while. After March, you did not received new ones. All my attention was focused on the articles I lately put on my blog, High time to do something about it and come up with a new newsletter.


Here I give you a list of the items I published in the past six months:

  • ·         Finissage Art4You, 7-11-2016
  • ·         Alma-Tadema – classic seduction, 6-11-2016
  • ·         Lawrence Alma-Tadema, 3-11-2016
  • ·         Artists pittance, 1-11-2016
  • ·         Hotspot Borrel, 26-10-2016
  • ·         Opening exhibition ART-4YOU, 25-10-2016
  • ·         Invitation exhibition Art4You, 9-10-2016
  • ·         How to create a miniature portrait ?, 28-9-2016
  • ·         How do I create a miniature painting?, 15-9-2016
  • ·         Varnishes, 8-9-2016
  • ·         Pumpkin, what to do with it ?, 18-8-2016
  • ·         Predictions, 8-6-2016
  • ·         The Virtual Museum of Johan Framhout, 7-6-2016
  • ·         Making art and exhibit, 13-5-2016
  • ·         Art and Atelier Route Almere, 20-4-2016
  • ·         Looking back at Art Square Hermitage, 18-4-2016
  • ·         The Hermitage Amsterdam and Open Studio Almere, 1-4-2016
  • ·         What David Bowie taught me, 26-3-2016
  • ·         Amber, 20-3-2016
  • ·         Painting techniques – oil painting, 14-3-2016
  • ·         Fashion, a portrait, 7-3-2016

I myself am amazed at the amount I wrote. It’s almost a book about art, culture, facts and last but not least several step-by-step tutorials. Free for everyone to follow.

Do you want to stay informed, please subscribe to my blog. As you can see I publish new information here with great regularity.

And do not forget after reading my article to rate it by pressing one of the five stars. This makes me very happy. For which I thank you.

I close this letter with a gift! Are you the winner of the art work, the pendent?

blog en win

pendent 3 mm with necklace

Last year I made a free Shakespeare calendar. A free download for each visitor on my website site. This year I want to do something else. Anyone who subscribes to my blog can participate (see the blog page, on the right side “Subscribe to Blog via Email”). The size of the pendent is 3 cm, oil on panel, signed on the back side, completed with a black necklace closed by a magnet. It is a unique piece of art and it is worth € 75, -.


The draw will take place on December 1, 2016. The winner will be published on my blog and receives the miniature pendant by mail. Picking up your price by appointment, is also possible.

Blog and win!



Mythologie is vaak de bron van inspiratie. Ik probeer het goddelijke en het menselijke te verenigen in mijn schilderijen. Paarden en andere dieren, maar ook groente en fruit vindt u terug in mijn schilderijen. Portretten maak ik in opdracht. Regelmatig neem ik deel aan exposities nationaal en internationaal en heb vele prijzen gewonnen. Mijn werk is gepubliceerd in diverse uitgaven en aangekocht in binnen- en buitenland.

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