As the sun colors flowers, so does art colors life.

As the sun colors flowers, so does art colors life.

art colours life

I have to get it out, right from the heart! It’s starting to annoy me, all the news about the financial poverty of artists. I hear no one about the spiritual richness. Not that it is not true that there are very few artist who can making a living of their art, but my irritation is not about that. Continuous presented as pauper, that’s it. And I do not agree. Why artists should always beg for subsidies? Why should they house anti-cracking? I think it is unworthy and bad for your self-esteem. I want to live in an ordinary house and pay myself for living expenses. Be independent

A choice

This one as well as the other is a choice. I am aware that I thus offend many artists, but what’s wrong with having a paid job in addition to practicing your art? I consider to be able to make art because you’ve got this talent at birth as a gift, that you have to develope in your later life. That was a free start where you of course had to invest in (I am not only talking about money). For which you will be rewarded in an immaterial way. Of course, everyone should have food on the table, also an artist. But if you do not really gain your bread with your art, then at least appreciate your spiritual bread in full measure. And I almost never read about this aspect and I hear almost no one about that. Read my blog once “Making art keeps your brains healthy.” Another gift and a motivation to continue. It even delivers, because you feed your brains, it keeps the psychiatrist or psychologist outside the door, making art gives you a lot of fun and if you are lucky, you it renders you much appreciation and admiration. If there are buyers then I regard that as the ultimate compliment. They even want to reach into their pockets to hang your work on their wall! Or to see your music or theater play. Or buy your book. Is not that motivating?


If you’re just only talking about money, on which you believe to be entitled to as an artist, then you must also agree to imagine the following. How many people play football or practice another sport? Or do anything else where their heart lies? Without payment, but it will cost them some money. And they enjoy it. There are only a few of them who are well paid. So I can sum up everything that someone does because he feels he should. Nice things but also bad things. We do not always have the choice, sometimes it just comes our way. In which we have the choice is, how do we deal with it. What about people who are unemployed? Or completely miss the shelf of life? Are they also calling for a subsidy? Yes, some people now will become angry and start talking about missing nuances. I tell you, appreciate your talent, passion, stop complaining. Stop placing yourself in a negative way into the spotlight. It is a waste of energy. Look on the bright side of life. You do not find that in the ever filling out forms to obtain financial support and do not always put yourself in an unworthy manner the limelight. Almost all the artists I know have one or more jobs in addition to making their art. They teach or do something else. Personally, I always had various jobs, part-time, but later it became a full-time office job, where I for a long time had a lot of fun. I never asked to grant me one cent. (For those who over see it: subsidy is borne by the taxpayer). My freedom and my self-esteem are much too precious for me. Also it has advantages to stand with one leg in the business world and the other in the art world. My passion for my art has never diminished, despite the fact that many artist colleagues did not took me for full through my job. Also I had therefore a much busier life. I had to make the most of my time during the weekend, on Sunday, serve at the gallery because I worked during the week. Collegues also told me if there was a purchase round: Do not apply, because you’re rich. Is that funny? No definitely not. But for me no reason to change and think otherwise. Of course, in my studio, there are works in stock that I have made. Fine if a buyer comes, but if not I just continue painting. Because I do it primarily for myself. It’s my way of life, my passion, you might say. And what’s better than that? To quote Monty Pyton: Take a look a the bright side of life, todo todoodiedoodiedoo.

Do you want to read the article, here is the link:
And above all do not demotivate, for what is life without art?
I won many prizes and harvested much appreciation at home and abroad. My work can be found in many private collections. My free work, but also commissions. You can find me and my work in different books. TV, newspapers and magazines have paid attention to my work. This is a reward for my hard work.
As the sun colors flowers, so art colors life. And the sun still shines for all of us for free. Hooray! Without it, the world will end.



Mythologie is vaak de bron van inspiratie. Ik probeer het goddelijke en het menselijke te verenigen in mijn schilderijen. Paarden en andere dieren, maar ook groente en fruit vindt u terug in mijn schilderijen. Portretten maak ik in opdracht. Regelmatig neem ik deel aan exposities nationaal en internationaal en heb vele prijzen gewonnen. Mijn werk is gepubliceerd in diverse uitgaven en aangekocht in binnen- en buitenland.

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