Commit to something!
This morning Bloglovin came in my mail. Commit to something! This was one of the items, posted by
The events on the news in the media about theft, assault and rape during the New Year, committed by North African men in various German cities (including Cologne), shocked me very much.
It is crazy that people claiming to flee because they can not stand torments in their own country – along with all possible means and risks go to free, western countries – curtail our freedom because of their misconduct. Why do they want to bring into practice what they find intolerable in their own country? We are here in Europe (and especially in the West) as a woman equal to everyone and we can move freely. We are here in Europe all the same in freedom of our religionto profess or not, to stay in or get out. That’s what I’d like to keep. Therefore, I commit myself to our freedom. Let everyone of them who does not understand this or neglect this stay away.
With this I come to the men who claim to be refugees, but add to their statement as they have built their lives here, they wish to bring their wives and children. In my opinion they are no refugees. They are merely seeking better economic conditions elsewhere. They leave their own country in the lurch, because they should help build and improve their desired conditions there in their own countries.
We achieved our freedom and our prosperity not without a struggle and hard work, and it is a very valuable and a great good. If there are people who can not handle that, then they are not in the right place here. Then they mistakenly come to the wrong country and they still have to accept the consequences of their wrong choice and go to a country where they fit better.
This time my blog is not about art, but about the art of respect and tolerance and no abuse of hospitality. If these values don’t exist here anymore, where are we landed in?
Commit to something!
Ik kan hier alleen maar op zegen: dit wangedrag is onacceptabel, ongeacht wie zich hieraan schuldig maakt. Voor mij is er geen verschil tussen mannen die zich op die manier misdragen, waar ze ook vandaan komen. Dat heeft niets met vluchtelingenproblematiek te maken, en ook niets met linkse of rechtse politici, maar met hele andere dingen. Maar ik ben geen psycholoog of psychiater. Mag ik het hierbij laten?
Het is gemakkelijk om de gebeurtenissen in Keulen direct te verbinden met de vluchtelingenproblematiek. Laten we eerst naar onszelf kijken. Hoeveel klootzakken lopen er niet in Nederland rond? Mannen die in groepjes de orde verstoren en goedwillende, weldenkende vrouwen toeroepen met teksten als: “daar moet een piemel in!” Dat roepen de mannen die vooraan staan om andere culturen te
wantrouwen en beschimpen. Zoals de waard is vertrouwt hij zijn gasten…. Onze samenleving wacht binnen de grenzen nog veel opvoedend werk. Ik zoek mijn vrienden liever in opvangstcentra voor vluchtelingen dan bij de foute achterban van onze rechtse politici.