Exhibition Galerie Des Ursulines 9 – 27 June 2018

Exhibition Galerie Des Ursulines, Drôme Provençale, Buis les Baronnies, France 9 – 27 June 2018


It is a real pleasure to meet so many truly interested people. They come from the wider area and from the majority of people who live here. At first I had a bit of a problem to sit there daily, but every day is fun! Yesterday, Sunday, I received 36 visitors. There was an elderly man who had watched the paintings for almost an hour and told me to go to every exhibition in Des Ursulines, but he thought this was the most beautiful ever. And also a couple who, to my surprise, recognized Caravaggio, Botticelli and Klimt in my work. They took a lot of time to look at everything and afterwards we spoke extensively. Also a lady from Gap who encouraged me to exhibit there and gave me all the necessary information to make contact. There was an elderly lady who showed me the portrait of her grandmother made around 1850. Everyone is delighted with the colors, but they also find the subjects fascinating. The Mathilde paintings are highly appreciated and they speak even more because I have attached the explanation of the symbolism and its history on the wall next to the painting. On the advice of the lady of the local cinema I did that immediately after the vernissage also at the mythology paintings because, according to her, not everyone is aware of the ups and downs of all mythological figures. I am very grateful to her for this because the time is really taken to read everything. This is just a small selection from my experiences of a week in the gallery. And as a compliment, there are also sales. Later, as a permanent memory, I still have the Livre d’Or, where many visitors take the trouble to write down some words. For September and October, a number of my paintings, including Dionyssos / Bacchus, the god of wine, are exhibited in the Cave Coöpérative La Comtadine in Puyméras. Here, 267 vintners bring their grapes to make wine. See some new photos here.



Mythologie is vaak de bron van inspiratie. Ik probeer het goddelijke en het menselijke te verenigen in mijn schilderijen. Paarden en andere dieren, maar ook groente en fruit vindt u terug in mijn schilderijen. Portretten maak ik in opdracht. Regelmatig neem ik deel aan exposities nationaal en internationaal en heb vele prijzen gewonnen. Mijn werk is gepubliceerd in diverse uitgaven en aangekocht in binnen- en buitenland.

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