Fashion a portrait

Mode een tijdsbeeld

By Rineke de Jong, 6-3-2016 Fashion a portrait, and art I wanted to write a piece about the exhibition Cat Walk, in the Rijksmuseum. I was there last Friday. And I have enjoyed, as a fashion designer, artist and natural lover of beautiful clothes and costume history. Clothes from ca.…

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Jheronimus Bosch – 500 years

jheronimus bosch

Jheronimus Bosch – Visions of genius During the Jheronimus Bosch Year, attention will be paid to contemporary artists as part of the Bosch Grand Tour, an extensive exhibition programme resulting from a unique collaboration between the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven, De Pont museum in Tilburg, MOTI Museum of the Image in…

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The Creative Collective

The Creative Collective A fun, active group to show your work is The Creative Collective. Here you can show your art. Worldwide. Not only in the Netherlands, but everywhere where Facebook can be viewed. You can publish in different languages: Dutch, German and English. Basically it is an online gallery.…

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Designing a flyer

Designing a flyer online I designed a flyer and had it printed. In anticipation of my participation in the exhibition of Artsquare Amsterdam in Hermitage Museum, Amstel 51 Amsterdam. My paintings in Museum De Hermitage in Amsterdam What is the best way to present yourself? What is the best way…

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Copyright and Intellectual Property Theft

Auteursrecht en Diefstal intellectueel eigendom

Copyright and Intellectual Property Theft by Rineke de Jong, 1 Febr. 2016 Coincidentally, this morning I talked about copyright and intellectual property theft with a student. I’m going to share this discussion, because it is very useful and topical information. A good tip is: join Pictoright in defense of your…

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Everyone gets paid, except for the artist

Kunst maken en exposeren

Everyone gets paid, except for the artist Attention is much needed for this subject! On the website of the news paper NRC in The Netherlands is stated: You can always add a link to an article from a publication of NRC Media on your website. All readers get some articles…

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Making art keeps your brains sharp

Making art keeps your brains sharp January 12, 2016 This is fantastic news: making art has a positive effect on the brains. Who is keeping an artistic hobby alive, the inevitable wear out of the brains at a later age can slow down or even reverse. All the more reason…

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Artsquare Amsterdam Hermitage Amsterdam

Artsquare Amsterdam in the Hermitage Amsterdam 14 – April 17, 2016 . The preparations for the pavilion Artsquare Amsterdam in the courtyard of the Hermitage are already in full swing. Also my preparations. Therefore I give you here already an alert so you can set a visit schedule in your…

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Commit to something !

Commit to something! This morning Bloglovin came in my mail. Commit to something! This was one of the items, posted by The events on the news in the media about theft, assault and rape during the New Year, committed by North African men in various German cities (including Cologne),…

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Panta Rhei

It is all about cycles, streaming, Panta Rhei, as the Greeks say. Our holidays are over and we are in the beginning of a new year. A new cycle of one year. And yet it brings me back to the Mythology. All creation stories begin with chaos from which our…

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