Art and looking for opportunities to show it.
Who is engaged in art does that usually initially from an inner urge, a need. And then? Just making it? Exhibiting? In discussions about this issue, it is often: I know someone who makes such beautiful things, but does nothing with it! Of course that is not true. Because talking about it, there were viewers and they have expressed their appreciation. Whether you’re making music, theater plays, poetry or writing stories, can cook and bake delicious, you do not do this to get it moldy in a dark room. Je are looking for a stage, you want to exhibit. You have an audience, be it ever so humble. Otherwise, you’d better vacuuming or cleaning windows (my first thought). But even then you have an audience, because inmates or visitors will appreciate you keeping your house clean.
Hobbyist or professional
You can be a very good artist, but one that is not doing all he or she can to promote yourself. Popularly known as a hobbyist or amateur. You can also go a step further here and try to make it your profession. Then you’re suddenly a professional. There’s something strange in it.
I know very good “amateurs” and terrible “professionals”. But also the reverse. The literal translation of the word amateur is lover. I think equally important to mention. For me the difference between amateur and professional debatable. I just want to imply that this can be a shadowy area and has not always to do with quality or craftsmanship. It is also true that many professionals can not live from their art> arts-and-poduim and need to have a job, benefits or other income ( Amateurs or hobbyists normally have a job or other income. That says nothing about talent and the quality of their arts. There are many other things and causes to be identified.

Ares, War god
There has recently been research about this matter ( and it turned out that most of the artists and performers earn less than € 9000, – per year. So a job is necessary. Or a spouse who has income. Or having a benefit.
It is not always easy, because there is a lot of money you have to invest in materials, presentation and exhibitions. More and more exhibition opportunities charge a hefty price tag. Many artists do no longer participate therefore, for they simply can not afford it (anymore). And sometimes you think: what do I do it all for? I better go organize exhibitions, there you can earn a good sandwich at least. Still, you can not stop, because it is in you and it needs to go out. So you continue.
I do not believe in suffering for art, but it is often a struggle. Mostly with yourself. If you succeeded again to achieve visualize what is in your imagination, it is a victory with corresponding euphoric feeling. Art enriches life. Making art is a very healthy activity. It awakens the best in you. Art and therapy (insert link) are connected to each other for centuries. I am happy that I have always had a good job that was mostly fun. Thus, I was financially free to exercise my art in the way that makes me feel good. See also “Making art keeps your brains sharp” in an earlier blog I wrote on my website.
For the Artist: Keep up and do not be discouraged. For those who facilitate a platform for an exhibition / sale, remember that there used to be hang money which was paid to the artist. Now the roles are reversed and the artists have to reach deep into their pockets and sometimes give a percentage in case of sale. I refer to the very limited sources of income and financial capabilities of most artists. Very often it is a financially unprofitable investment for the artist.
I want to break a lance for better opportunities, that’s why I wrote this article. Also read my article: Lees ook mijn artikel: Everybody gets paid, except for the artist .
Here is another interesting link: Change Photographer in: Why Professional Artists, Artisans and Photographers Don’t Work For Free.
Made in Holland, Art and opportunities to show it, part 5
Hi Mary, ik ben blij dat je je in mijn artikel kan herkennen. Ik heb de indruk dat niet veel kunstenaars hierop durven te reageren, daarom reuze bedankt voor je reactie. Zelf breek ik ook mijn hoofd hoe hier een goede oplossing voor te vinden. Samen met een aantal geestverwante kunstenaars denken we hier al geruime tijd over na. Een van hen heeft het initiatief genomen tot het (laten) maken van een App, genaamd en die is bijna klaar om gelanceerd te worden. Misschien dat jij hier ook interesse in hebt. Laten we in ieder geval contact houden en ideëen uitwisselen. Ook hartelijke groet, Rineke
Hoi Rineke,
Ik herken veel in wat je schrijft en heb het er ook steeds vaker over in mijn omgeving en met andere kunstenaars. “Vroeger” kreeg ik ook hanggeld. Nu moet ik overal voor betalen om mee te doen. Ook bij deelname aan de kunstroutes overal en dan bij verkoop ook nog provisie afstaan. Bij geen verkoop hoor je niets…Het hele risico ligt bij de kunstenaar. Ik heb het er helemaal mee gehad! Als ik kon leven van alle complimenten was ik schathemeltjerijk met mijn werk als “publiekstrekker” op een b.v. een evenement met bijna 80 kunstenaars. Waar mensen dus heerlijk verwend worden met al die kunst die ze gratis kunnen bekijken. En nog beledigd zijn als ze er niet aan mogen komen ook…En ja, er zijn “slimme” ondernemers en kunstenaars die toch graag willen exposeren. Ik ga mijn bakens verzetten. (Al weet ik nog niet hoe, ha,ha!) Veel succes met alles wat je doet Rineke, hartelijke groet, Mary