Copyright and Intellectual Property Theft

Auteursrecht en Diefstal intellectueel eigendom

 Copyright and Intellectual Property Theft by Rineke de Jong, 1 Febr. 2016 Coincidentally, this morning I talked about copyright and intellectual property theft with a student. I’m going to share this discussion, because it is very useful and topical information. A good tip is: join Pictoright in defense of your…

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Made in Holland, Part 2 Dionysos


 Made in Holland, Part 2 Dionysos Dionysos is known as a Greek god. He stands for wine and bachannals. Wikipedia. This painting was painted in mixed media, acrylic on canvas, the size is 150×100 cm. If you look closely you will see women and also a goat with big horns.…

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Everyone gets paid, except for the artist

Kunst maken en exposeren

 Everyone gets paid, except for the artist Attention is much needed for this subject! On the website of the news paper NRC in The Netherlands is stated: You can always add a link to an article from a publication of NRC Media on your website. All readers get some articles…

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Made in Holland, Part 1, Zeeland Girl

made in Holland, deel 1, Zeeuw meisje

 Made in Holland, Part 1, Zeeland Girl I was watching with a friend to recorded programs, including one in which French products were advertised. The French PR is fantastic in this area. The Netherlands (from abroad often erroneously called Holland, which are only two provinces in our country, namely North…

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